Some people more especially Women will find this interesting for their health.
For Leukorrhea, Candidiasis, Trichomonas vaginalis, Offensive vaginal odours/discharges, Staphylococcus, etc, AND for Prevention/Purification of the Reproductive System…
*Insert a clove of peeled garlic into the vagina when going to sleep until the next morning. Repeat this daily until you get well Or as prescribed by your Natural Doctor.
#Nb: It will naturally come out on its own when you go to pass out urine except with rare cases of extremely tight/closed system that will require personal effort to remove it
You can equally repeat this process in the morning if case is chronic.
Also, you can use a clean needle or needle-like organic object to burst a hole on the garlic. Then insert a clean unused threat into the hole and tie. When you insert the garlic into the vagina, let the end of the thread be of a good length outside the vagina so that, you can easily pull to remove the garlic at appropriate time.

Also, chew a clove first thing every morning (before brushing your mouth) and drink one liter of water. Chew one clove at night and drink two glasses of water last thing, thirty minutes before going to bed.

Note. For those who can’t chew garlic because of certain reasons, they should slice/chop it into rice grain size and swallow in same manner done with Orthodox pills(tablets).

Abnormal (“side”) effects: It may cause increase bleeding during menstruation. And heart burn or gastritis when eaten without enough water intake.

Take this serious and safe your relationship (s) – IT WORKS.
SHARE with both Women and Men to help their families and relationships.
God bless you.
Dr Richard FRU – GENIWA.
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